Manchester, United Kingdom
Liohness has warmed up for big players in the scene such as Bcee, Dexcell, Submorphics, Technimatic, Keeno, and Pola & Bryson. She played alongside Hospital legends London Elektricity and Whiney and the legend himself General Levy at Highest Point Festival 2019. She has also played The Beatherder festival twice on the Fortress stage, and in San Antonio for Neucode Ibiza.
Liohness plays around D&B nights in Manchester, and is co-creator of Equilibrium, a club night aimed at serving up dnb and representing womxn and female djs in the scene.
2020 sees Liohness focusing more on her own productions. She recently won runner up in a remix competition for renowned label Sofa Sound. Expect more releases soon with a focus on tech and liquid, Liohness style.