Lara Makes Her Artistic Debut With EP ‘Common Sense’ On Peachy Sounds

Words: Emma Langford
Talented up-and-coming 140 producer, Lara, releases incredible Peachy 003 EP consisting of three fire tracks. This excellent body of work shows the talent and diversity of Lara as a producer. She pulls in a variety of eclectic sounds to create three separate masterpieces.

Many Lives
The first track of the EP, 'Many Lives', is a spooky one. Lara uses strings in this track to create a melody that draws us in as well as creating a sense of unease for the listener. In the opening of the track Lara's use of strings and sporadic high-hats brings an eerie energy. The gritty bass that follows aids the crescendo of tension. Listeners are greeted with an ominous silence, and a string pattern just before the drop. The arco melody of the violin carries the listener over the heavy vibrations of the bass. 'Many Lives' captivates listeners, enveloping the raver into a sonic trance.
Common Sense ft Sutty
On the second track of the EP, Lara collaborates with eclectic vocalist, Sutty, to bring us a banger. Lara's production and Sutty's euphonic vocals work in perfect harmony. Raw drums and one shot-synths open the tune grabbing the listener's attention. Sonic elements of Sutty's vocals and gritty bass are added as the introduction progresses preparing us for the drop. In the second phase, the clean drum pattern and the layering of Sutty's lyrics creates a dream-like ambience. This track is a personal favourite, the intricate production from Lara combined with Sutty's angelic vocals creates perfect light and shade in this track. I cannot wait to hear this one on a fat sound system!

Notice Now
Last but not least, Lara closes the EP with a minimalist yet beautiful track conveying her ability to produce a more subtle style of dubstep. This track is a bopper, something you can imagine listening to in the early hours of the morning before the night comes to a close. Both subtle and intricate, the melody is reflective of the feel of the track. Strings are introduced at the end of the track bringing us to a dramatic close and a sense of finality of the whole EP.
The whole EP is a work of art, you can purchase it here: